
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Shadow of Obama

Attack Biden Don't Harp on the Establishment Fighting Bernie

Joe Biden Memory Lane Trip Part 1 (Abortion)

PA's Biden Love

The Biden Headache

Did You Notice...?

Trump's Egg Roll Whines

Happy Earth Day!


Biden's Coming

Dear Independent Media: So, Trump Vetoed the Yemen Bill...

It's Okay to be Sad About Notre Dame

The Victimized Progressive House Class

All of You Knew What Nancy Pelosi Was

Stop the Gloating Hillary

The Arrest of Julian Assange

The AOC Check-In

A Political Reminder List With a Twist

Dear President Obama, Don't Lecture

Racist Democrats

Fixed For Joe

Ralph Nader Is So-oooooo Right

Personable Pete

The Biden Defenders