Trump's Egg Roll Whines

You have to admit one thing...

Donald Trump loves to whine.

He also loves to gloat...

pat himself on the back...

repeat himself...



I'm repeating, aren't I?  LOL- naturally but COME ON!  You do have to admit it Trump loves the gloating game but out of all the times he can puff out his chest and do his mister 'hey I'm great'' impersonation- he does it at the Easter Egg Roll????  Come on man! Are you that deranged that you have to do this in front of kids?

Whatever happened to flat-out fun?  Why does a kid have to hear about the military at the Easter Egg Roll and why doesn't our so-called media call Trump out for just being a flat-out idiot.  I don't care if you kiss Trump's poster every day or hate his guts- this was one of the weirdest speeches to ever come out of his mouth.  Whatever happened to class?  What happened to having some fun?

Whatever happened to just shutting up and letting the eggs roll???
