Fixed For Joe

The accusations are coming in.

Joe Biden is squirming.

Stacey Abrams is talking.

The media has righteous indignation...

Oh dear god is this nomination fixed for Joe Biden.

If you've seen anything I put on Twitter, you know that I really don't think much of the Me Too movement.  I think it's an attention-grabbing pulpit to divert from issues and only focuses on a 'select few' BUT I have no sympathy for Biden and, of course this will get repetitive- it's because of-

Al Franken.

People who rip Joe are whining abouut Kavanaugh but I have no sympathy for Kavanaugh.  He was going to get on that court anyway.  Al Franken is the one who was cheated by the Me Too movement and I still hold to the fact that it was because they wanted Kamala Harris on that Judiciary Committee but I digress.  Let's sum this up again, due to the fact that they (the democrats) completely screwed Franken, Joe's squirming is extremely amusing

However, there's something really troubling here...

It's still fixed for Joe to get this nomination.

Oh dear god is this nomination fixed.  After the democrats 'burning' Bernie in 2016 and hearing all of the excuses for Biden I can understand, support and see why people don't like to vote, especially in an era of Obama and Clinton.  Joe Biden represents everything wrong with the democratic party and due to the fact that politicians, the media and Hollywood want him in the race emphasizes this point. Let's note that Alyssa Milano, who at one time threw herself at every hot looking hair metal rocker she could think of is sticking up for Biden is downright amusing.

Moving right along...

By rights, Biden should be disqualified because he's a literal scumbag.  He cheated the public out of Ralph Nader's influence in Congress, he treated Anita Hill like garbage and is nothing but an Obama yes-man.  However, after what this party did to Al Franken, and I noticed they're all squirming about that still, Biden shouldn't be allowed to run for the democratic nomination.  It is insulting to any longtime democrat and to anyone that despises Trump to force him on the public, just because he's 'Obama's boy,' it's time to move on from Biden and to, literally, stop this madness.
