Stop the Gloating Hillary

Naturally, our pal Hillary Clinton is back in the news- giddy of course- with the news of Julian Assange's arrest.

Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, enough of the gloating.

Do you know what her gloating proves?  It proves that the media lives in a collective bubble.  Why in the world would network executives even think that people are even INTERESTED IN WHAT SHE'S THINKING? The fact that the democrats are still on this avenging kick when it comes to her is bad enough but her continuous gloating time after time after time is ridiculous.

Look- you can love Assange or think he's a scumbag but what Wikileaks has done falls into the definition of journalism.  If you don't believe it read the definition yourself:


'Journalism is the activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information. It is also the product of these activities.
Journalism can be distinguished from other activities and products by certain identifiable characteristics and practices. These elements not only separate journalism from other forms of communication, they are what make it indispensable to democratic societies. History reveals that the more democratic a society, the more news and information it tends to have.'

Consider the word 'gathering.' As of right now, that seems to be the backbone of the government's case.  What really concerns me is the idea that the USA seems fixated on this idea that he pushed Chelsea Manning into hacking into the government's computer system.  Now, like you I need to see this case build more but I find their overall premise downright silly. Manning exercised one option 'choice.' I suspect that Assange offered guidance and that's being worked into a ridiculous conspiracy.  No one forced her into anything that she didn't want to do and Obama did pardon her,  Like I said I need a better rationale for the USA's case than what's being said now and I need to hear more that the gloating assurances of Hillary Clinton.
If there was an idea of true journalism in this country the overall gloating of Hillary wouldn't be covered as a major news story.  She is a biased, bitter, old woman who lost to DONALD TRUMP.  She's reaching for anything to excuse a horrible campaign.  Stop the gloating Mrs. Clinton, you worked in the Obama administration and you know as well as anyone they found NO EVIDENCE that Assange conspired with Manning.  Your bitterness shows more each day and shame on the so-called American press for even giving you a stage.
