Biden's Coming

Oh boy-

Joe Biden is going to announce his campaign run soon.

Oh joy- jump up and down and do a flip.

Who didn't see this coming?  I mean the sense of entitlement this guy has can give you a headache.  He'll enter this race like he's doing everyone a big favor and in the end, Bernie Sanders will give him a run for his money.  However, this is so set-up for Biden that you can only shake your head.  Sure, Bernie supporters like me will get excited, thinking Bernie's getting closer but superdelegates will end up getting Biden the nomination and then we'll have it-

A 2020 race between two hateful, greedy, rich old men and more than likely Trump will probably win.  Why?  Well, for one, Hollywood will get involved and even though I consider myself a progressive- I really get fed-up with Hollywood telling me how to vote.  Secondly, and a lot of you better get this through your heads, people are mean, nasty and downright cruel.  Trump will make fun of Biden so much that they guy WILL NOT HAVE A CHANCE.  Biden will go into this thinking he can out-wit Trump which is laughable because he doesn't have Trump's mouth.  That redneck mouth is Trump's biggest weapon.  Biden can't beat it...

Bernie could though.  Why?  Number one, he's smarter than Biden and on the realistic side.  Secondly, if you took about 5 minutes and listened to him you'd easily absorb and support Bernie's ideas.  Bernie might not have the mouth but he's street-smart that will carry him to a victory over Trump.  The sad thing is, we won't see it because...

Biden's coming...

And we are in big trouble...
