America Do Me A Favor: Boycott Charities For Awhile
Did you hear about the charity that stole the Canadian truckers' money? Of course, you have. I'm so disgusted with this that I won't even say its name. It brings me to this idea.
Every American should take a break and not give to charity for at least one year. I truly believe if you give the charities a hit that you could possibly turn this cancel culture cloud over America around. With that being said, I don't see this happening for this reason.
Americans, despite what you hear, are the most generous people on earth. They'll do anything to make a difference whether it's giving to the fund to help a kid in a hospital or wildlife causes, Americans feel good about making an impact. However, with what happened with that website taking the convoy's money and supposedly distributing it to 'charities deemed fit' you have to wonder where your money is actually going. I'll tell you what- amend my suggestion- unless you know FOR SURE that your money's going to the right cause, don't give any of it away.
Let's just hope the Canadian truckers have great lawyers and they can get their funds. It is reprehensible that those who donated have no idea where their money's going. Somebody needs to stop this and let's just hope the thieves and the website get what they deserve in a court of law.
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