Here's Why People Hate the Media: An Analysis
The mainstream media is hated an the perfect excuse is because of Trump. I have a newsflash for all of you, if Trump wouldn't have been elected president the media would still be held in complete contempt. If Hillary would've won in 2016, the media would be in complete contempt and there are a various reasons why but as a member of Generation-X, I'll give you insight to why.
People do not like being told what to do. Newcasters, pundits and so called 'print reporters' lecture, they do not report. They do not inform, they recite and they mock. Audiences are not stupid and a lot of people just want information, they don't want to be told time and time again how awful they are because of who they supported, or how rotten they are because they're white or how stupid they are because they don't want to take the Covid vaccine. People are not robots, they want good information to make good decisions for themselves. Basically, people don't want others waving their fingers in their face.
So many of the problems in the world today have to do with a lazy media that are in love with kissing up to the upper class. The media is supposed to help keep society running. It isn't supposed to be a defender of Hollywood, a tool of propoganda. It's supposed to provide UP TO THE MINUTE NEWS. It's not supposed to ignore stories- it's supposed to be balanced.
The media are filled with elitists and people are not stupid, they see it and they don't appreciate it.
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