AOC Does Florida: Think About This For a Second
A lot of you are a little to in love with this woman. Why? It could be many things. I center it around this idea that no matter what people always look towards a savior. AOC has a huge social media following and like I've said many, MANY, MANY times she's nothing but a tweet- an Instagram video and some kind of rotten comment guaranteed to tick off parts of the population. There's actually nothing to this woman- she's an immature teenager who thinks she can shoot off her mouth because she's female and Hispanic. Unfortuantely, America's in a trend where people like her are never called out for anything because people are terrified of being called RACIST.
A reminder- that I, on Twitter, under the Smokey presence was one of the original people to see right through this piece of work butt many of you either called me names and even sent threats. In the end it didn't matter- I ditched Twitter and THANK GOD I did- what a freaking dumpster fire. With all of that being said...
You've heard the story- AOC has been caught maskless in Miami Beach. She's off on a tangent now that everybody's fantasizing about her and all just want her body. To that I say, sweetheart, please, get oer yourself. You're all nose and mouth besides that there's something to be said about having a personality but I digress. Here's the point of this, my friends:
AOC thinks she's a champion of the people. She wants college debt to be cancelled. She wants hers gone. AOC also has money and she's vacationing in Miami Beach. THINK ABOUT IT FOR A SECOND. Someone who is vacationing in Miami Beach wants her debt cancelled. In case you can't add-if she can afford vacations- why can't she pay her debt?
To all of you in Generation-X who either had mom or dad pay for school or paid it off yourself- aren't you getting tired of this bullshit yet? Aren't you waking up yet to what an opportunistic fraud this woman is? I sure hope you are.
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