There's a Myth About Cats Going Around and It Pisses Me Off
I've said it 1000 times, I am a Gen-X democrat. I didn't vote for Biden or Trump. I wrote in Ralph Nader in honor of my late dad. Let's note that I am not a social justice warrior. I am pals with democrats and republicans. The woke piss me off because I think they're hypocritical, dumb and their self-righteousness tick me off. Finally, I want you to take not of this as well, I also listen to certain podcasts and have a ton of respect for those who 'tell it like it is.' They are entertaining and rather easy to find. However, there is one certain myth going around some of these podcasts that tick me off.
Apparently, there is a theory out there that the social justice warriors are the ones that are the crazy cat ladies and to that I say this:
You wanna bet...
Here's a little perspective: the communists in Washington aren't democrats. Democrats are free thinkers and stick to their beliefs. They also respect free speech. In a way, they have more in common with some conservatives but this is neither here nor there. This can be explored another day. With all of this being said, understand this I have more than 2 cats and I'm able too because I live in the country. I'm one of those white, rural Americans that AOC hates but I digress. My cats are able to go out safely and only a couple even like coming in. Let's also not that my neighborhood is the place where a lot of idiots throw their cats out. I always try to take care of any stray because it's the right thing to do. What's my point? Well, guess what people- the social justice warriors are the ones who toss their cats out the most. How do I know this? Well...
One of my first jobs was at a mall by a university and guess what? All of the giggly, partying little commies from the 1990s happily tossed their cats out in the parking lot when they got 'to old.' Every year, after Halloween (including this year) you'll see black cats roaming around university grounds. The best cat owners are what you call the hated 'Boomers' and Gen-Xers like me. Conservatives seem more apt to be loving towards dogs and even cats too. So, I hate to tell you this podcasters on the Internet- the cat lady myth in the social justice world doesn't exist. They hate cats and remember this people:
Princess AOC owns a dog and most famous people do. So, please, spare the bullshit that I'm a crazy, social justice warrior, because I try to save cats that commies don't want.
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