The War on Cats
Did you hear about the war on cats? Nah, of course you haven't. It's out there though but it's there. Let's take the basic:
Listen, I think The Hard Bastard is the best podcaster on the Internet. I get a kick out of him because he's a Gen-Xer, around my age and he's not afraid to tell people to fuck off. He's not a cat fan and that's fine. I have no problem with that but this idea that every single person on the left is crazy because they're just 'cat ladies,' is really out of hand. Why? Well, experience tells me that the commie branch in today's society are the ones that throw the cats out. How do I know this? Well, there's a university near me and the commies are the ones that throw out the cats the most. This however is a minor footnote, let's keep going about the cat war.
Every single day a new listing pops up on how cats are destroying wildlife. From birds to lizards to the Hawaiian Monk Seal- cats are DESTROYING THE WORLD. Wait a second, the Hawaiian Monk Seal? How is it possible? Well, their feces has a parasite and the Hawaiian Monk Seals are going to disappear because of cats- so you better watch out. Consider this for a second-
Hawaii is a beautiful place with gorgeous scenery but did you know that a lot of birds and other wildlife are dying there? Of course you didn't. Why is this happening? Pollution, a changing climate, habitat destruction and many other factors. Do cats play a role? Probably- but from my observation it seems like they're being the scapegoat for a lot of problems. Their seems to be something sinister here. Throw The Hard Bastard out of this, he's just a guy with a casual opinion, what's alarming is the mainstream blame game going on out there. Are we heading to a point where the establishment doesn't want us to have pets anymore?
Well, we'll have to wait and see. The alarm bells are going off though.
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