The Elites Care About Criminals: Did You Ever Think You'd See the Day?

     The sympathy oozing for those shot by Kyle Rittenhouse is astounding.  If you didn't know any better- you would swear that Joseph Rosenbaum was a monk, on his way home from biblical study, who just stopped to heal a blind man and give money to homeless kids.  And my God, that wasn't a skateboard that almost clobbered Kyle Rittenhouse that was holy water.  Anthony Huber was, of course, a holy man too.  Let's keep in mind that the one who had his bicep blown off didn't raise a gun- oh no.  He was ready to help Rittenhouse out.

    Don't you just love the fact that society, particularly mainstream media, is enamored with the fact that these 'boys' were just innocent victims.  Please...


    The Rittenhouse case has made me despise the media even more.  Let me state it again:  This kid DEFENDED HIMSELF.  He wasn't a white supremacist and he seems like a genuine nice kids.  Keep in mind that the media makes it sound like he was the only one there with a gun and completely ignores the fact that Kenosha was worse than the O.K. Corral.  Never mind the fact the state's star witness said, he had a gun pointed at Rittenhouse- nah it doesn't matter.  It's all about narrative.

    And damn that white privilege.

    Look, I don't trust that jury but damn I hope I'm wrong.  This kid deserves to be vindicated and let me state it again, I hope his lawyers go on a suing kick!
