The Sinister Nature of the Democrats: Part 2: No More Women
This is going to be fun because we can be here all day. Political corectness and wokeness are the backbone of the demcoratic party, the motivation of any insane idea they have- the reason why, that in my mind the party doesn't really exist anymore. Before we begin this- let's define the word 'democracy:'
(Source: Merriam-Webster)
Democracy (one definition); 'A government in which supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically by free elections.'
Did you catch that phrase 'vested in the people?' Again- DIVESTED IN THE PEOPLE? Now, let's try 'liberal:'
'One who is open-minded or not strict in the observance or orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways.'
What does this mean? It means that free thinking doesn't exist. With all of that being said, let's talk about men having babies. How in the HELL DID THIS GET STARTED? Let's say it and say it clear for all of you to understand:
Women have vaginas.
Women have ovaries.
Women have the uterus.
Women give birth to babies. THAT'S IT. Women give birth to babies. That doesn't make me a democrat or republican- that makes me an obvious realist. Let me tell you something people 6 years ago I have a 55 pound tumor (non-cancerous THANK YOU GOD) taken out of me- which ended any chance of having a kid. What a goddamned insult it is to me that a woman, who always wanted kids, to lose that chance and to have the PARTY I GREW UP WITH SUCK UP to a a small part of the population that is so screwed up that many can't figure out if they're a man or a woman. Why in the hell more women aren't out there screaming abou tthis is amazing.
Did you ever hear the term 'you can't have it both ways?' Sure you have. I urge women, republican and democrat to stop letting whiney, cheerleader-like females push you aside and start sticking up for yourself. No party that calls themselves 'democratic' or 'liberal' has any right to tell you that 'men can give birth to babies.'
Rot in hell democrats...
Rot in hell republicans too for not having the guts to tell these idiots to SHUT THE HELL UP.
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