The Evil Nature of the Democratic Party: Part 5: Take Your Kids Out of School
Let me repeat this:
Seriously, if you want to fight to CRT- get your kids the hell out of these rotten activist public schools and I cannot stand the fact that they have ruined public school. Public school is supposed to be the best time of a kid's life. Again, take your kid out of public school, today- soon and give the middle finger to those who think CRT is the path to holy salvation.
Do not let the Biden administration intimidate you as a parent. You cannot let the goverment silence your opinions. A bunch of ativists who don't care about anything except their own personal gain has no right to push their point of view on you. Get your kids out of school and home school the kids. Get together with others and start your own school. I feel really bad for parents who have kids in school- a memo from the Justice Department is a scary thing and I just hope to God they don't let that disgusting Biden administration win. They can't win.
Keep fighting moms and dads. You can still save public schools.
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