Let's Be Blunt: Your Washington Progressives DO NOT LIKE YOU

     Let's get this straight, there are progressives that are genuine.  Jimmy Dore, his wife and his pals come to mind here.  I do not like some of the stuff out of Dore's mouth but a majority of what he says is very reasonable.  However, I firmly believe that many 'progressives' kind of think like I do and just think of themselves as a real democrat and don't want to be labeled as a 'progressive' which leads to be called a communist.  With all of that being said (and I've said this in the past)- you need to understand something- 

    The progressives in Washington do not like you.

    It's actually funny because there are many headlines saying that Trump doesn't like his supporters and that in itself is true but my argument to you is that so?  How is he any different from progressives?  This isn't about color either, obviously there are white progressives.  Bernie Sanders, the fraud, comes to mind obviously but analyze the issues for a second.

    I am a white, Gen-X woman with a lifelong thyroid condition.  It doesn't bother me anymore but it was caused by the pollution in my local stream.  Guess what?  It doesn't matter because I'm white.  Progressives do not care that pollution comes to certain neighborhoods because of 'agendas.'  Let's take Bernie's 2020 presidential run, do you know why I know it wasn't serious?  He started it in New York City with AOC at his side.  By rights, he should've started it in Lordstown, Ohio or Johnstown, PA.  To me that indicates a contemptious attitude of a population that really needs some help. Images matter more than a population that could really use something positive in their lives.  With all of that being said, and I could go on and on about this- let's move to your progressives in Congress.

    Your progressives aren't for uniting or looking out for the interests of the people.  They hate you if your a property owner.  They look down on you if you own a hunting rifle.  They sneer at you if you're a farmer and they'll take any chance to rip you if you're a white American, who is not bothering anyone.  Their priorities are narrow.  Their personalities are self-absorbed and they hate America.

    We deserve so much better...

    My late dad saw this coming in the '90s.  Now, I get why he liked Ralph Nader.  Ralph Nader really wanted to help people and he didn't hate the population like the progressives do.  Damn- I hate the democratic party and I really loathe this group called the 'progressives.'  May they all lose in 2022.
