Tax the Rich? It'll Never Happened
It started with big-mouthed Bernie and it sounded good. 'TAX THE RICH!' he bellowed and by rights, that sounded good. Then, of course, here comes AOC with the tweets and then the most God-awful, ugliest dress dress with TAX THE RICH on the back. Finally, here comes Biden with his corporation lecture, "You gotta pay your fair share."
Oh, I know. I was a Bernie Sanders supporter and do you know what I was? An idiot. I was misled due to sickness and the fact my dad died. The man ended up being the biggest fraud in political history. I'd still love to know what the late, great Ed Schultz would've said about him but I digress. Anyway, let's say this tax the rich sounds good but hey people- get out of your fairy tale world and think about life for a second. Gas is high, grocery store prices are out of control, services are high and admissions into your favorite, fun places are continuing to go up. Gee, what do you suppose would happen if the TAX THE RICH CROWD got their way?
People like you and me would get kicked in the teeth that's what. Do you think Bezos is really going to be hurting from any fantasy tax hike? You have to be kidding. All of those prices that many of you gushed about will skyrocket. Do you people really think that the rich will relinquish their profits just because a senile, old man (Biden) and a bubblehead (AOC) stamped their feet and whined?
Tax the rich is a distraction. We are the ones that get hosed on something like this. Don't let tweets from an irrelevant, Hollywood congresswoman convince you otherwise.
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