I'll Say It and Reat It: I WILL NOT COMPLY

    This is a repeat and I'm always going to knock on wood but let me say it again:

    I will not comply.

    There is no way- NO WAY in hell I'm getting this jab right now.  Talk to me in about 5 years when there are studies, books of data and HONESTY (HAH!).

    I will not comply because Vaers research shows me that a lot of Gen-X females are having various problems due to this jab.  Go ahead- READ VAERS.  It's not misinformation- it's CDC reports.  

    I will not comply because I'm single, with no kids.  I could never have kids which will always bug me- who in the hell will take care of me if I have a reaction to this jab?  

    I will not comply because my overall health insurance sucks.  It sucks and I'm not going to end up living in a box under a bridge or in my car just to make that power-mad doctor (Fauci) happy.

    I will not comply because I HAVE QUESTIONS and all I hear is BULLSHIT from what's supposed to be jounalists, doctors and pundits.  Goddammit- it is bullshit- all of you have heard it- it's the same line over and over and over.  One question gets you labeled as a Trump lover, an idiot, a redneck or anti-vax.  Vaccines are a good thing but don't tell me something is 'safe and effective' WHEN NO HUMAN BODY IS THE SAME.

    I will not comply because (knock on wood) after going through hell I feel good.  My sleeping patterns suck but that's due to stress.  That can be remedied but getting a jab which could give me a seizure which COULD LOSE ME MY LICENSE CAN'T.  s

    So what does this mean?  I'll tell you what this means.  It means GO TO HELL:



    and FAUCI.

    I will not comply.


 (Note: Spare me the misinformation bullshit- I've read Vaers- I've studied it and I can tell you that many people are telling the truth and America you're so damned stupid when it comes to this.  If Vaers was full of misinformation then WHY ISN'T IT SHUT DOWN AND REVAMPED?  Go ahead- tell me- I'll wait.)
