Guess What? I Don't Care About the Texas Abortion Law

     Let's make something perfectly clear, if someone wants an abortion, that's fine.  I don't like late term abortions though to me that's absolutely horrifying because that's literally a kid.  However, I'll listen to any medical reason that a doctor could give to one.  With all of that being said-

    Everyone is hysterical about the Texas abortion law.  Guess what?  I don't care.  Do you know why?  Well...

    I'm consistent in my beliefs.  If a person doesn't want to wear a mask, that's their choice.  If a person doesn't want the vaccine- that's their choice.  Choice is what makes America the best country out there.  However, with America's u-turn about how EVERYONE SHOULD WEAR A MASK and EVERYONE NEEDS A VACCINE no matter what- I shrug my shoulders at this law.

    You lost a supporter in the cause people.  I'm fed-up with the MY BODY MY CHOICE argument for abortion, yet you have me afraid of the vaccine.  Let me say this- I hope all of these people who are applauding this law will take in these unwanted kids but guess what?  The issue isn't my problem and to those in the media screaming about it-get over it.  It's not your problem and it's not mine.
