Get Your Kids Out of Public School
Look, I love public schools. Public school was a good thing. I seethe at one these so-called 'intellectuals' are doing to public school. I hate the fact that they're turning these kids into depressed, hateful individuals. It really ticks me off that a system that could be fixed- is now being destroyed.
Get your kids out of public school.
If I had a kid, I would. You can't trust the schools anymore. You'll never be able to get your kid's mind straight if you continue to keep he or she out of school. These teachers are completely out of control and what gets me is the fact is THAT IT DIDN'T HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS. The big question is where did this all go wrong in the first place?
The cell phone.
Yeah, you heard that correctly. The cell phone was key in destroying the good memory known as public school. Parents literally shoved one in their hands and it opened up the door for kids to be brainwashed by twenty-something school teachers that have no idea what life is all about and the cell phone opened the door to brainwashing. With that being said, I see the fall school year being really ugly in a lot of places across the country and that's why I suggest that you get your kids out of public school to save them from the monsters in schools.
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