Fairness Is Extinct In America
New York City still can't figure out who won the mayoral race. I'm not sure what to think about Eric Adams, I think he's the best one on that list but wow does he have a right to be ticked-off. I guess New York is too busy tripping all over themselves to be woke that they don't know how to count.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thinks people are 'hysterical' for worrying about crime. Isn't that sweet? If you're a regular visitor to the city, say me, you're hysterical for thinking that it's unsafe to come over the George Washington Bridge in this political climate. Gee- sweetheart, thank you so much- for calling me hysterical for thinking that I, as a white Gen-X woman, would be shot or have my car smashed just because someone decides to riot down Broadway.
Gwen Berry is a bitch. Did you hear that? She's a bitch. She's looking for a way to be famous like that opportunistic, overrated Colin Kaepernick and I have news for all of you she ISN'T THE ARBITER OF WHAT THE NATIONAL ANTHEM SHOULD BE. She's a privileged athlete and she has no right to be the one to 'have the voice."
How about that woman that wants to change the flag? Gee lady, really? Why do you get to be the one to that? Oh that's right- it's because you're black.
Why is it that Ilhan Omar's mouth has no consequences? This woman totally bashes the Jewish population yet those in power consider her beyond reproach. What is it guys- do you think that she'll cast a spell on you?
Look, people, here's the thing- what I want is for America to be what it was meant to be fair and balanced. Everyone should be held accountable for their personal actions whether it's words or actions. If you want to talk about white supremacy then talk to me why...
New York
St. Louis
and more are in ruins and ruled by those who claim to be against fascism. Don't talk to me about 'equity' and things like 'environmental justice,' when there are white small towns covered with cancer. Fairness is gone in America and that people, is horrifying.
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