What Ticks Me Off Part II
Do you have any idea what ticks me off about the environmental movement? The democrats have ruined it- destroyed it and have completely mocked it. Go back and look at Ralph Nader's old videos on YouTube and you'll be amazed that he spoke in such a way that would get republicans on the side of any democrat who wanted to protect parks, streams and places like the Arctic Wildlife Refuge. Republicans are great environmentalists but you'd never believe it thanks tot he big mouths in Congress. Again, I'm not a republican but you need to both sides to fix an environmental problem.
The Juneteenth holiday ticks me off for this reason because- guess what there was no reason for it. And please, spare me the 'racist' chants. Those of you screaming racist to those who think the Juneteenth holiday is stupid are the same group that never paid attention to history in school. As a matter of fact, being a Gen-Xer, I remember people hating history when I was in school.
The dishonesty of the media really ticks me off. The same lines- the same speeches- the same words. The continuous repetition. It seems like that people in the media don't care about the truth.
Radio talk show hosts that don't want to get to the root to the problem tick me off. People let's just admit it- America is a spoiled, whiney, outraged country. It spends too much time looking for heroes where there are none and they spend too much time on the computer. America has a big problem because people don't think for themselves and thanks to that it ticks me off. America doesn't deserve this and I'm ticked off that the free thinkers are falling by the wayside.
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