To the Social Justice Warriors Everywhere: SHUT-UP!

     To the social justice warrior across the land, I have 2 words:


    Seriously, just shut-up I'm sick of all of you- seriously ALL OF YOU.  You have literally ruined society by tweeting, whining and turning up for some protest that literally does nothing but gives you a chance to get on the evening news and be complimented by pundits that don't give a damn about you.  I don't understand why some of you have such a free pass that you're allowed to do whatever you want when you want insulting everyone in the process.  Want specifics?  Want to know what I want you to shut-up about?

    Let's take the concept of motherhood- thanks to a small portion of the population, and NO AMERICA THERE AREN'T TRANSGENDERS EVERWHERE, motherhood has disappeared.  The word 'mom' has disappeared from society in place of birthing people.  Are you freaking kidding me?  My MOM wasn't a 'birthing person' she was A FEMALE WHO BOUGHT 5 KIDS INTO THE WORLD.  She's spent her whole life being referred to as a MOM and this birthing person bullshit is a slap in the face to her and it should be a smack in the face to your mom too.  So, shut-up about 'birthing people.'  Moms are moms AND THAT'S IT.

    What about movies- did Hollywood really need to destroy Star Wars for the sake of females?  Are you freaking kidding me?  Of course it didn't.  What good was it?  Sure it made a lot of rotten people money but it totally destroyed the classic movies.  They're working on Indiana Jones now and the fact that Indiana Jones is possibly going the female route to please a bunch of tweeting social justice warriors disgusts me.  So, to those of you who keep rampaging on those who criticize Star Wars critics- SHUT-UP.

    Let's take climate change, you social justice warriors need to LITERALLY SHUT-UP.  Seriously, as a Gen-Xer- don't wave your finger in my face about climate change when all you do is tweet on a cell phone that is made of minerals taken from the habitat of gorillas.  Did you idiots know that?  Of course you didn't and of course you don't pick up the litter, go birding or work in gardens.  Your idea of environmentalism is tweeting SO SHUT-UP.

    Shut-up about me being a Trump lover too.  I don't like Trump and I don't like Biden.  I wrote in Ralph Nader last year in honor of my late dad.  People are allowed to have differing opinions and just because I think a lot of you are nuts doesn't make me a conservative or a Trump fan.

    Finally, just shut-up about white privilege.  I've had several surgeries that has my body look like a would-be serial killer got to it- I work all day and evening.  I've never discriminated against anyone- so don't sit there and wave your finger at me about privilege when you have no idea what my life is like.  So, just SHUT-UP.  KNOCK IT OFF.

    And I hope I speak for most of America when I say social justice warriors- SHUT-UP.
