To the National Wildlife Federation: Get Your Act Together

     Usually, I have the highest esteem for the National Wildlife Federation.  Right now- I am disgusted with them.  Why?  Well, consider this-

    The only thing Biden has done that has been decent since his inauguration was suspend drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge.  Okay, people, don't get excited- this isn't a piece about that all drilling should be stopped.  I'm not going to scream at you about green energy.  I think that we, as a society, can find a balance that could really work out well.  The Arctic Wildlife Refuge is a completely different situation.  We have an area that has beautiful wildlife and any drilling would have a significant impact on the ocean currents.  A safe Arctic Wildlife Refuge is integral to the fight against climate change.  A lot of problems could be curtailed and it would just be the right thing to do to.

    Remember, when doing the right thing was actually a good thing to do but I digress...

    Now, let's get back to the National Wildlife Federation.  The National Wildlife Federation sent out emails talking about 'voter laws.'  Look, I have not read every state's voter law and you can sit there and point and call me racist, but no matter what happens even if a state screws around with voting laws- a person can find a way to vote no matter what.  With that being said, the National Wildlife Federation had no interest when my state, Pennsylvania, was gerrymandered so much that some counties (no matter what) will always be republican.  Moving right along here, they sent this email about 'standing up for voting right.'  Hey NWF, let me tell you something...

    People, including longtime democrats, are pissed off.  They're disgusted with being called racist and every rotten situation from the past is the fault of a white person.  The democrats are going to lose in 2022- they are going to lose the House and probably the Senate.  Get your act together and make sure that the Arctic Wildlife Refuge is permanently safe and don't be satisfied with 'temporary measures.'  Do your job, stop sucking up to a party that is all fluff and assure those who love nature that the Arctic Wildlife Refuge is protected.
