So, Patrice Cullors Took the Money and Ran

     We've heard all about Patrice Cullors.  We know all abut her real estate holdings and we all know that she's, basically, loaded.  She's just going to get richer because we are in a trend that every white is considered racist and she's milking the environment like a cow.  She's good at making herself look like a victim and she's going to keep doing it.

   And now, a lot of mothers who lost their children in incidents with the police are mad.  They're huffing and puffing.  They're outraged.  They're screaming 'FRAUD!'  They are upset and my question is...

    Do you expect me to feel sorry for all of you?

    Let's get something straight, I feel bad for anyone that loses a child.  That is a horrible thing but I'm not going to break down the specifics of everyone's case because, obviously, everything is different.  You have your opinions and I have mine.  What I want to address here is the outrage these mothers feel against this woman so here it goes...

    If you expect me to feel sorry for all of you- you are out of your minds.  After the last year of bashing American history, sucking up to politicians, whining on television about how 'rotten white people are,' I would say in the end Patrice Cullors letting all of you down literally serves all of you right.  She took the money and ran and you should've known better.  So huff and puff about her because, in the end, I don't care if the woman conned you.  You wanted it and she gave it to you.
