I Am a Political Party Orphan

     I am a registered democrat.  I have no intention of changing the party.  However, I am a political orphan and here's why:

    I don't consider the so-called democrats in Washington democrats.  I have no idea what they are except they're brainwashed, cowardly, gutless, spineless, out-of-touch, idiotic, cultish and very wealthy.  Don't kid yourselves, like the republicans, the democrats are making a ton of money.  All in and out of Congress are swallowing up the power and prestige- don't kid yourselves.   With regards to the democratic party, they don't want my vote do you know why?

    I am Gen-X, so to them (and this is laughable because a lot of them have been in there since I was in high school), I'm too old.

    I'm white and according to the democratic party I'm racist and full of privilege.  Let me tell all of you something- I have had 6 surgeries in the last 5 years.  Don't call me privileged when you don't know anything about me.

    I'm not in the virus cult and that's exactly what it is.  Many, many people are loving the democratic party's attitude of 'taking care of them' and it's making the party suffer and I think it sucks.

    I think critical race theory is disgusting.  I give kids much more credit than adults because kids are imaginative, fun-loving and want friends.  They don't care about color and they like to talk to everyone.  Promoting this is abusive and it's going to damage generations.  Kids go to school to learn not to be brainwashed.

    I also think this climate change kick is turning into a mockery.  YES PEOPLE I BELIEVE IN CLIMATE CHANGE but people like AOC and Kamala Harris are turning it into a joke.  Hey environmentalists- DID YOU NOTICE THIS PARTY HAS NO DESIRE TO PROTECT WOLVES OR FORESTS and they think PUTTING UP WINDMILLS EVERYWHERE WILL SOLVE EVERYTHING?

    The democratic party, today, is a bottomless pit.  I pray for a voter box reckoning in 2022.  They are arrogant, condascending and so against what this party should be in makes sick.  They need to get back to their roots and I get the feeling the arrogant bunch is in for a shock at the ballot box in 2022.
