Want to Know What Ticks Me Off About the New Vaccine?
I'm steamed. I'm literally steamed and I'm also stressed out about this. I'm ticked off that you CANNOT ASK A LEGITIMATE QUESTION about the vaccine. I'm TICKED-OFF AT THE FACT that you are called a bunch of names if you even raise a concern about the speed of this vaccine, how could it impact me long term, or if it's safe depending on my health history.
Names? What names?
If you raise a concern, you're called a republican- a Trump lover and an anti-vaxxer. I AM FAR FROM AN ANTI-VAXXER. I think vaccines are wonderful things and all respect to the scientists who have discovered them. I couldn't even imagine the intricacies in making one. However, what politicians, so-called journalists and even doctors even forget is the fact that everyone in America is different. People have incredible circumstances that make questions arise. Hey AMERICA do you remember QUESTIONS?
Questions are that interesting little word that people used to ask when they wanted information. You get rid of questions- you turn people into robots. If you're worried about the vaccine pound your doctor with questions- keep doing it and don't let your personal situation turn you into a robot. You have to look out for you-remember that.
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