To the Climate Blaming Pet Haters at VOX: Who in the HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?
Read this:
Are our pets fueling climate change and environmental hazards? - Vox
And now read this...
Hey VOX- who in the hell do you think you are? Seriously, who? Now, you're turning people against pets? Are you kidding me? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? You're sitting there blaming pets for the degradation of America when a lot of people are littering and won't even go outside when it's sunny outside? You sit there and create cartoons with little 'facts' about how pets are killing the planet because of the meat factor. Give me a break and let the record show- I don't like the direction you're going with cats either. "Oh cats are carnivores, there's nothing you can do about their meat consumption."
Where in the hell are you going with this VOX? Are you insinuating no one should own a cat? All of you in the mainstream media whine about 'media influence' so let me turn this back on you. Do you realize your little stunt here will encourage some of these wacky activists to get rid of their cats which will lead them to be dumped off in the middle of a highway? I could see this coming and may the authors of this piece rot for doing so.
America has an environmental problem and it circles many aspects of society. People want quick answers and they don't want to do any real work to make it better for themselves and their neighbors. (Don't get that wrong- there are many out there that are very sincere when it comes to the environment. This is directed towards the AOC-types who love Twitter and think insults are a lot more fun than going out to pick up litter.)
I've said time and time again that a lot of small things can protect the environment but, apparently, that's pretty boring reading judging by the reactions to past blogs. I've talked about how it's important to protect the Arctic circle. Do you really think corporations have stopped drilling up there you environmental smart asses? What about the border? My objection to Trump's wall was the fact that it was going to impact migration patterns. I didn't like the idea of how it would cut off butterflies and hummingbirds but oh no, I never saw any outrage about that. It's always about the meat issue- the meat issue- don't eat beef- don't eat beef because AOC says so, says Twitter.
Go to hell.
Not only will I eat my steak- I'll keep my pets. You climate change warriors literally need to get a life and here's a message to the legitimate wildlife groups out here- people like the authors of this VOX article are making people sneer at the environmental movement. Do you people have any idea what the continuous blame game centering around-
natural gas,
and now pets are making people give the middle finger to any environmental issue? Do you people realize that Idaho is probably going to eliminate 90% of their wolves? Did you hear about that? Oh what does that matter- you say. Those farting cows should die too- who cares about wolves? Well, Twitter geniuses, wolves add balance to the society because they're carnivores. If it wasn't for them we'd have more say, deer than what we have today. By the way, did we forget about all of those corporations in the '80s and '90s who dumped chemicals into creeks and rivers? Of course we did because you don't want to talk about this because that's too difficult but hey- keep on blaming the cats and dogs of the world VOX. One more thing...
'Meow' off VOX...
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