I'm Tired of People Being Bashed About Vaccine Fear

     Are you sick of being bashed by the mainstream media because you're scared of the COVID-19 

vaccine?  I am and I bet I'm not alone.  Let me tell all of you something, I believe in vaccinations.  

Vaccinations are a GREAT THING.  Vaccinations are a tool of society that helps us stay healthy.  I 

approve of vaccinations and I credit any scientist that creates one because it's really the true definition 

of a modern miracle.  With all of that being said...

    I am not a doctor or a scientist which means I have no ability to make any recommendations.  There 

are people in society, like the elderly, that need this vaccine.  This virus is awful and it seems to be a 

specific target of the elderly, so it's good to see that a lot of elderly are vaccinated.  I hope they stay 

healthy and my God- I hope they're not being deprived of visits from their family.  

    Now, when it comes to the other segments of the population, there is a lot of name-calling going on 

towards the people who are hesitant about the vaccine and it REALLY NEEDS TO STOP.  There are 

people out there with legitimate worries and questions.  Stop talking down to them- tell the truth 

when there are problems with the vaccine- stop the sunshine act because people are not that stupid.  

They know that that nothing is automatically perfect.  Please give the public information and an open 

dialogue- this constant lecturing and bashing of certain parts of the population needs to STOP.  If 

reporters start doing their JOB maybe more people would take this vaccine.
