Answer the Vaccine Questions

     The arrogance of the media is astounding.  The absolute contempt that a network like CNN shows its viewers is despicable.  Why?  Let's use the vaccine for instance...

    I am not encouraging or discouraging people from getting the vaccine.  You do what's best for you.  Should you get it?  Probably but if you have questions about it- it's understandable.  The questions that people have about it is actually a failure of the media.  The media is actually more responsible for the doubt than anyone else.  People in America are not stupid.  They're educated and they're knowledgeable about current affairs.  People of any age know that a vaccine takes a long time to develop.  The notion of 'warp speed' is easily definable and it scares people.

    An individual of any color will have questions about any vaccine developed quickly.  Why this is being so discouraged is a mystery.  People have different medical histories and that should be taken into consideration.  I urge people not to degrade those who ask questions about the vaccines.  People are genuinely scared and anyone who has a question about the vaccine should be allowed to express their concern freely.
