Alyssa Milano Is An Opportunistic Pain In The (Fill in the Blank)

     Alyssa Milano is a middle-aged actress that has drifted into political activism.  I don't have to tell 

you her career history for this reason- you ALREADY KNOW.  Her shows have been mentioned so 

many times that you would think they were the hidden gems of American television history. And let me 

note for reference that as a Gen-Xer I can say with honesty that sure, at the time, some of her shows 

were popular but this woman wasn't popular as she'd like you to believe.  With all of that being said...

    Alyssa Milano as a political activist is a joke.  It's a joke.  What she is is another example of a Gen-

Xer so obsessed with popularity that she'll do anything to stay relevant.  Let me give you an example,

do you really think that she's interested in trans rights?  Seriously- DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE 

THAT?  Supposedly she was born in 1972 (considering celebrities lie their ages that's why I say 

supposedly) and  let me tell you something about Gen-Xers.  People who grew-up in the late '70s and 

'80s often through around the term 'gay' constantly in order to pick-on people who were shy, quiet, etc.  

Gen-Xers (and yes- I know all of you suddenly remember how you knew all these transgenders when

you grew-up), often liked to ruin a high school enemy's life with rumors of that person being gay.  I 

know this  because it happened to me.  The person who did this was a lot like Alyssa Milano, in love 

with herself  and the idea of being popular.  What's my point in this?  If you think Alyssa 

Milano is genuinely interested in transgender affairs then you really need to get off the Internet for 


    Moving right along...

    When I scan Alyssa Milano's Twitter timeline, I laugh at how she's sticking her nose in issues

like the Georgia voting law.  (Did you see her history of dating baseball players?)  When I see her 

sticking her nose in Pennsylvania's business I seethe considering that she wouldn't even set foot in 

a place like my hometown.  I am no fan of the legislature but the fact that someone with a Hollywood

background whining about issues in this state ticks me off.  To top it all off I see she wrote children's

books, please.  PLEASE.  Here's my question- WHY AREN'T THE STRUGGLING WRITERS 

IN THIS COUNTRY TICKED-OFF ABOUT THIS?  However, this can be another issue

for another day.

    Alyssa Milano is a con artist.  She doesn't care about you.  She cares about relevancy.  Do you want 

to know why Generation-X hasn't stopped cancel culture- it's because of people like her.  Generation-X

is so obsessed with with being popular that it doesn't care about a movement that is ruining America.  

Granted not all people in my generation are like this but Alyssa Milano is a prime example 

of how utterly weak my generation is.

