Those Who Perform Cancel Culture Aren't Perfect


       Aren’t you glad that we have progressives in Congress that are such examples of good behavior?  Seriously, aren’t you thrilled?  I mean, come on- you have people like AOC continuously tweeting and pandering, it’s just great that someone so holy and full of righteousness walks the hallowed halls of our Capitol building and just think- SHE’S NOT ALONE.  There are males and females in the House and Senate of all colors that are guaranteed to give you the keys  on being a better person. 

          You think I’m kidding?

          Well, just think about it for a second, thanks to everybody’s favorite socialist senator (and dear God I hate myself for ever supporting this guy), we’ve had a barrage of people of all colors making sure that we the public are constantly informed that the movies we liked were bad, all of the kids books our parents read to us were racist and that we can only be cleansed by canceling thanks  anonymous people on Twitter that have too much time on their hands.   

          Are you mad yet?  You should be.

          Here’s the thing, America is in a horrible trap of hanging onto every word of politicians who literally don’t give a damn about you.  Thanks to this, they’ve had an over-flated sense of themselves which has given birth to cancel culture.  What frustrates me more than anything is that we, the voter, have put these rotten politicians on such pedestals no one has literally said, “Hey wait a minute- you’re not perfect.”

          Keep that in mind people, those performing the cancel culture ritual aren’t with out sin.  In other words- THEY’RE ALL A BUNCH OF PHONIES.
