Don't Forget to Stay Angry About the Coronavirus


          Are you still mad about the state of the pandemic?  Well, you should be.

          Look, I don’t know where COVID-19 came from.  If I find out 10 years from now that it did come from a lab I won’t be surprised.  As of right now, I lean towards the fact that you can’t KEEP MESSING WITH WILDLIFE THE WAY CHINA DOES and not suffer the consequences of discovering a strange disease, but I digress.  I am absolutely horrified with the fact that everyone seems so accepting of China’s lame explanation of where this virus came from.  This government should be furious with China’s lack of answers with regards to this virus.  However, instead, we have the continuous cycle of ‘keep them in control’ with:

          Our favorite resident doctor (Fauci) insisting we should now wear 2 masks.  Two masks?  Are you serious?  One of them should be enough.  Aren’t you just saying that masks don’t work?  Again, people like Fauci never answer the biggest question about masks:  How can you consider sucking in your own snots all day healthy? 

          From Fauci, we have Biden who can’t keep his stories straight about the pandemic.  Whether it’s lying about the stimulus, to dancing around schools reopening to dampening any hope of herd immunity.  You can say what you want about this, considering it does seem like that he’s not that sharp anymore mentally, but journalists literally need to stop letting this guy get away with being so wishy-washy and get straight answers.  When will everyone get access to vaccines?  When will regular life start again?  When will schools start again?  Biden and those stunning and brave women pulling his strings are getting away with leaving the American public angry, depressed, and all-out frustrated.

          Politicians have left people in limbo.  They’re using Donald Trump to literally distract the public’s attention from the sad state of America.  They’re throwing us a sideshow and too many people are falling for it.  I strongly urge people to forget about this so-called impeachment and start concentrating more on how a bunch of privileged babies are holding us all hostage because of the virus. 

          People, we are not wired to stay at home 24/7 and to wait for handouts from a government that still can’t move past the former president.  We are not meant to sit around waiting for the ‘big bad virus’ to come and get us.  The aspect of living for the day and being with your community is disappearing.  We need to save it for all our sakes because this world is too silent, to droning and too condascending.  The virus needs to be put in the rearview mirror.  Protect the elderly and the vulnerable but give people their lives back and in the meantime…

          Turn off the Trump impeachment and continue to be mad that the whole world is at a standstill over a virus that is never going away.
