Fight The Censorship


          It’s been a really strange year and to tell you the truth, it’s been kind of scary.  The Biden administration isn’t helping here.  Censorship talk keeps ramping up and I DESPISE CENSORSHIP.  I am a Gen-Xer and Gen-Xers share a deep contempt for any kind of censorship and believe in the old adage if you don’t like it, turn it off. 

          This censorship kick that everyone seems to be on scares me because it’s fuel.  It’s fuel to a fire that’s going underground.  Other views make America the interesting place that it is.  Depriving people of ideas also makes some mentally ill.  It contributes to riots by Antifa or causes things like the Capitol riot. 

          What disgusts me about the society today is that the idea of questions has gone out the window.  You can’t get any straight answers about anything anymore particularly the virus.  For example, of someone feels the need to share their medical knowledge, they are immediately shut down.  If you starve people of people of ideas, they’re going to get madder.  A mad population makes for a scary future.  Stressful ideas make people worried and a stressed population can lead to other problems.

          However, what I say is obvious.

          Listen, you can’t deprive people of ideas while having forums like promote videos of people shooting feral cats in Australia or other acts of animal cruelty.  You can’t call a person ‘radical’ for talking about Medicare for All or loving their country while letting others scream that ‘all white people are racist’ and on and on.  You are not unifying the country if you do this, you are making a stressful environment scarier.

          I urge people to think about what they’re doing when they scream ‘censorship!’  People, like AOC, Pelosi and Biden, don’t have your interests at heart here what they want is control of your thoughts, so don’t let a bunch of selfish politicians take complete control of your life.  That’s not what being American is about…
