Amy Coney Barrett Will Do As She's Told


          It’s not surprising that Trump is picking Amy Coney Barrett.  We all saw this coming.  However, there seems to be this perception out there from Trump lovers that the Supreme Court will stick it to anyone with a ‘D’ next to their name and give them whatever they want.  I have sad news for all of you who think that Donald Trump is a saint.

          You should be worried about Amy Coney Barrett.  She might be the smartest person to roam the halls of the Supreme Court, but she doesn’t have enough experience to suit my taste.  She’s also going to do what she’s told.  Let me repeat that she’s GOING TO DO WHAT SHE’S TOLD.

          I really hope the democrats are proud of themselves for the status of America.  Thanks to their demonization of white males and the propping up of females no matter what, there is no possible way to directly attack this woman in any type of hearing.  This party also kicked their credibility to the curb by embracing a lot of violent riots in order to pander to the black community.  The democrats have made themselves into a hateful, bitter party that has also ruined their credibility by falling in love with the idea of ‘clapping back’ and ranting and raving on that monstrosity known as Twitter.  Do you know what else you can blame for Donald Trump getting 3 justices on the Supreme Court?

          The media blame the media.  The media, in this age of information, has turned lazy.  The age of wokeness has also made them bias.  People turn on the news for news not for the continuous commentary on how bad certain people are.  People aren’t going to pay attention to any bad decision Amy Coney Barrett has made during her career and they should.  They’re not going to listen when you talk about the danger of her on the bench.  Thanks to the media, America is a biased, ticked-off nation with no desire to learn or to absorb facts. 

In the end, Amy Coney Barrett will do as she’s told.  She doesn’t have enough court experience to have a free will.  She won’t stand-up for you and she’ll put the people who put her on the bench first.  In conclusion, consider this:

          I don’t care what party you’re in, everyone knows how crooked Donald Trump is and always has been.  The idea that he got to name 3 people to the Supreme Court is downright sickening.
