Gretchen Whitmer As Vice-President


          Gretchen Whitmer.

          Say it with me again:  Gretchen Whitmer.  What comes to mind?  I’ll tell you what I think…

          Oh God…

          Apparently, she met with Biden with the hopes of being vice-president.  Oh God- sorry I can’t stop saying this.  I can’t believe with all of the people out there that this is the best that he can come up with.  Sure, you knew a woman was coming but Gretchen Whitmer is just another example of a Biden list that is filled with names and no substantial qualifications.  I don’t understand what any of them bring to the table and what makes Gretchen Whitmer the ideal vice presidenetial choice is beyond me.

          As an observer from Pennsylvania, in the last couple of months observing Whitmer has taught me a couple of things.  First, she’s an opportunist.  Secondly, she’s an ideal democrat.  She puts minorities first and seems to hate white people.

Third, she’s power mad and her word is law.  Look, I don’t know where this woman even came from.  My guess is she was groomed for the governorship for years because of her looks and her intelligence.  She doesn’t have a mind of her own and won’t go out on a limb for anyone.  She’s a lecturer, telling you what you should do during the time of a pandemic while getting her hair done on the side.  Gretchen Whitmer is a follower not a leader and the thought of her as a potential president is downright horrifying.

          No matter who Biden picks it’ll be met with horror.  He’s getting to a point where Elizabeth Warren might be his safest choice.  However, don’t expect wine and roses with a pick of Gretchen Whitmer, expect contempt from a very pissed off white democratic base.
