Another Word on the Rioting


         As many of you know, the panda at the National Zoo in Washington DC just gave birth.  This is fantastic news and it had me itching for a trip to DC but…

          As many of you also know it seems like BLM has a new hobby.  It appears they like to harass diners (in DC so far) until they supposedly raise their fist in support.

          Forget the trip to DC for right now.

          As many of you know, New York City seems to be sliding down a sinkhole.  Their mayor is nuts and it seems like he only cares about funding his wife’s staff and having ‘Black Lives Matter’ painted in front of Trump’s building.  I’d love to head to NYC this winter and roam Jones Beach looking for Snow Owls but as of now, there’s not a chance that I’m heading up there.  I’m afraid, for the first time in my life, to drive my car into the city.

          So, what does all this mean?

          Immediately, you would think nothing.  However, you need to wake-up.  If I’m thinking this, I guarantee I’m not the only one and to all you democratic mayors and governors who just think this rioting is so wonderful keep in mind- YOU’RE GOING TO LOSE A LOT OF MONEY FROM TOURISM.  Then what are you going to do?  Build statues to your rioting heroes to bring people to town?  I don’t think so.

          This entire situation flat-out sucks and until we’re back to normal, I’m afraid we’re stuck with 2 things wokeness and rioting.
