The House Prioritizes AOC More Than You

          The House of Representatives has sunk to a new low.  Their actions are disgraceful and their priorities prove their selfishness.
          By now, you’ve heard about AOC being screamed at by some representative from Florida.  Oh wah!!  Cry me a river.  I get a kick out of women (and note that I’m a female) they bellow that ‘we’re just as good as men’ but when someone gets in their face they pull out the, “wah you can’t yell at me- I’m female!”
          Oh brother.  Moving right along…
          Today the House of Representatives let AOC have the stage so she could rant and rave about how awful this guy is and how wonderful she is.  The overall act of taking time out of doing work for the people to give to a selfish, vain woman disgusts me.  It also amazes me that people aren’t more upset about this.  Consider this…
          We’re in the middle of a pandemic.
          The economy is tanking.
          Lockdowns are being talked about again which are driving people insane.
          Riots are never ending.  Cities are being destroyed.
          Our infrastructure stinks.
          Schools have no idea what to do about the age of Covid-19.
          The post office needs money.
          Parks and zoos need money.
          People are afraid of being tossed out of their houses.
          Our environmental laws are a mess and…
          The House prioritizes giving AOC time to rant and rave about how a no-name representative from Florida insulted her.  Just think about it- you’re not important to the House AOC is.
          America why aren’t you angry about this?
