AOC For The Cabinet

          There’s a story going around that Joe Biden, if elected, would name Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to his Cabinet as head of the Department of Energy.
          Now, that I got that out of my system, remember that’s just a rumor.  Who knows though?  With how obsessed the democrats are with this bubblehead it could be true.  By the way, thank you so much Bernie Sanders for making her such a household name.
          Sarcasm people.  Sarcasm.
          Yeah, I used to support Bernie Sanders and no, I don’t support Trump.  In my mind, both parties absolutely stink and I find it disgusting that people aren’t more horrified abut the fact that someone like AOC will probably be around Washington another 40 years.  Maybe by that time it’ll be called Ocasio-land, after all according to Tammy Duckworth, we have to listen to those who want to ‘cancel’ George Washington.
          Yeah, I’m all over the place but people, you are seriously going to have to explain to me how a 30-year-old, privileged woman, who tended bar in New York City is an instant environmental expert.  Please, someone just tell me.  From my viewpoint, it seems like she spends most of her time on social media or playing video games.  She’s typical but my god, don’t make her something she isn’t.  She’s no environmental expert and I shouldn’t be expected to kiss her feet because she’s a Puerto Rican female.  Or is she black now?  I swear the other day she said she was black but who knows?  She also thinks that people are stealing to feed their families but again, I digress.
          I really despise Bernie Sanders for making AOC a household name.  The environmental movement deserves so much better than her big mouth and hand moving.  Again, she’s a 30-year-old from New York City who doesn’t have a law degree, a biology degree or any experience in the environmental movement.  My god, she doesn’t even speak up about any of the birds that the idiot protesters are killing with fireworks night after night.  So, again, the question, what makes her the perfect person to lead the charge on climate change?
          Of course, it’s all about her gender and ethnicity.
          You know, we all deserve a lot better than having AOC shoved down our throat 24/7 as an environmental savior.  Gender and ethnicity shouldn’t make you ‘qualified’ for any prominent position, your qualifications should and the democrats shitty attitude ignoring this fact is positively horrifying.
