Bernie and Elizabeth Warren
Bernie Sanders isn’t in favor of Elizabeth Warren being Biden’s vice-president. Hmmm….
This does have a lot of people
excited. Let’s say it again, as of right
now, Bernie doesn’t support Biden’s possible choice of Elizabeth Warren.
Why am I laughing? Well, why not? Come on people. Now, Bernie Sanders is going to turn
rebel? Are you kidding me? This is the same Bernie Sanders who told
Ralph Nader not to run against Kerry.
This is the same Bernie Sanders who voted for Obamacare and who voted
for this trip through hell known as the Cares Act. This is also the same Bernie Sanders that
didn’t attack Joe Biden. He didn’t call
him out on trade or attack his despicable record. Bernie, in the end, is going to support Warren
if she’s named as Biden’s running mate because in the end Bernie is
Bernie Sanders is a man who huffs a
good game but, literally, has no course of action. He’s more worried about podcasts than
anything else. Every once in awhile, he’ll
mention ‘revolution’ or play rebel to make himself look good but Bernie’s
credibility is gone. I am so sorry that
I ever fell for his shit in the first place.
So, here are the words of advice.
Get over Bernie Sanders because he’s
gotten over you.
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