Political Venting (This and That)

Do you have any idea how disgusted I am with the democratic party?  In a situation where a democrat should be stomping on Trump what do we have?  Joe Biden- God help us all..

Do you know what?  Jill Biden oughta be ashamed of herself.  Shame on her for pushing that hubby of hers out there so she can get in the White House.  What an opportunistic witch.

Andrew Cuomo has done some sleazy things but I'll tell you what- I'd vote for him.  Trump literally needs dressed down.

Gretchen Whitmer has to be the most overrated politician in this country.  Again, I like how she forbids people in her state from buying stuff for their yard yet it looks like she always gets her hair done.

It's very possible that Elizabeth Warren will be Biden's running mate.  Oh surprise, surprise, considering the word was out this might happen a few years ago- I don't get why everyone's so shocked.

People need to stop feeling sorry for Bernie Sanders.  Bernie Sanders ended up being a selfish, old man who put his standing ahead of helping people.

Trump defenders are certifiable.

Do you know what else is frustrating about the pandemic?  No one can get their stories straight.  Reporting is so damned bad anymore that it's no wonder everyone is so screwed-up.

Every politician should be banned from Twitter starting with the president and working our way down to a still in recess Congress.

