The Youth Didn't Come For Bernie
So, where was it Twitter? Where was Bernie’s youth vote on Super
Dating back to 2016, when I tweeted a
lot about Bernie, all I heard about was that the ‘youth vote’ was going to take
over every single election. The ‘youth
vote’ would carry progressives though.
That same line has been running for a long time- especially with the
rise (gag) of my favorite, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. AOC seemed gleeful in slamming on every
slamming people over 40 and I warned you.
I warned every single one of you in past tweeting that you can’t go
through America slamming older voters and not expect this to bite you in the
ass. I warned a lot of you that you can’t
rely completely on the ‘youth’ vote but no one listened.
So, give me an answer people. What happened to Bernie’s youth vote?
I get the bitterness. More and more I can see why people don’t
vote. Sure, the excuses are there voter suppression,
this, that, blah-blah but people let me let you in on a little secret- as a
Gen-Xer I didn’t vote enough in my 20s either.
It’s a fact of life. Back to my original
point, I get it though people- I get why you don’t vote. The superdelegates, the apparent biasness of
the media, the shrugging of the shoulders that a regular person doesn’t have a
chance in getting into politics. It
really stinks but I get it.
To be honest, I don’t know if voter
turnout can go up anytime soon. With the
apparent love of Biden, I there will be more bitterness which will lead to more
indifference. The youth vote will not
save us people and I think with this Biden hijacking it’s just a further sign
that really good candidates for political office are out of reach.
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