Who Knows What To Say About Tulsi Gabbard-

There are times when you really have to admire Tulsi Gabbard's guts.  2016 was indeed one of those times- she took a stand and stuck with it. She was loyal to Bernie Sanders more than he probably deserved. There is also the fact that she is anti-war.  You have to respect that and you have to give her credit for calling out Hillary as well.  As a matter of fact, you have to give her props for calling out St. Obama.

That's right- I said saint but I digress.

Tulsi Gabbard's vote on impeachment is interesting. You can call her opportunistic, looking for publicity, or just plain rational.  Voting present might actually be the more reasonable thing to come out of that Congress.  She's acknowledging the corruptness, yet deep down she knows this impeachment is going nowhere.  The Senate is Trumpian and so-called democrats like Manchin and that fraud from Arizona could side with Trump to save their own asses.  Tulsi Gabbard might have a firmer grip on reality than most in the House.


She isn't running for another House term.  She's not going to be president.  If by some miracle Sanders, wins that nomination he won't offer her a job in the Cabinet.  There's no way.  So, why the 'present.'  Who knows?  She wouldn't tell you the truth to begin with but there is one thing that I do know- every single person (regardless of the party) needs to be subjected to term limits and something better happen with that fast because all of them DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS INCLUDED are ruining this county.
