Just Remember This About Zoos

Yeah, you might hate zoos but just remember...

People get away with beating Bengal Tigers without consequence.

A deer was tortured in PA and the 2 little bastards that did it will probably get away with it.

A wall will block ocelots and other wildlife from migrating to this country.

Hummingbirds and butterflies might be few and far between because of that stupid wall.

Rhinos are still be poached.

Canned hunting is on the increase.

The Arctic is being decimated.

People are shrugging off the fact that bird numbers are down.

Reindeer are disappearing and so are penguins.

Gorillas are reaching the point of extinction.

Vultures are disappearing to pollution (right India)?

Australia and the South American rainforest are burning.

And now Trump wants the EPA to dump cyanide bombs so foxes and coyotes will disappear.

Look, in my world there would be a right balance of animals in zoos and animals that are set free but the next time you jump on one of these self-righteous bandwagons that 'all zoos suck,' go back and read my list.
