Let's Talk About Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg amuses me.

Don't get this wrong.  I'm not a fan.  I think he's a pompous pain in the ass.  I've gotten a kick out of the rage he's caused, specifically Bernie Sanders.  Bernie is huffing and puffing, yowling about 'grassroots.'  Spare me Bernie.  I don't trust this grassroots garbage, as much as I don't trust PACs etc.  Bloomberg is interesting though because of all that money.  Obviously, that means one thing...

He can't be bought.

He can remain the pompous pain in the ass that we all know and love.  He has enough cash where he doesn't need to change.  Sure that apology for the stop and frisking was kind of odd but whatever.  What's interesting is that he's doing a Trump in terms of spending and using the mouth.  Bloomberg, as it stands today, seems like he has the mouth to beat Trump.  His ad spending interests me.  It makes me wonder if he's going to spend money on states that Bernie Sanders seems to be turning up his nose at.

Bloomberg could make this interesting and maybe Ralph Nader was right after all:

