Hey AOC We're All To Blame For Climate Change

Sure, I'm Gen-X.

Yeah, you could say that 'oh you're just being to old.'  But guess what?  That's an excuse, a stupid answer, a product of trying to silence my voice.  So, let's lay it out America and I'm talking to you Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

We're all to blame for the rotten state of the environment.  All ages are at fault for climate change.  There is no martyrs here.

The arrogance of AOC ticks me off and you can probably tell.  Again, I hate to inform all of you this and you can throw numbers out there all you want but millenials are the ones who destroyed retail shopping and please SPARE ME THE SO-CALLED NUMBERS ABOUT WHO ORDERS ONLINE.  My age group wasn't the one that said 'ew malls are stupid' or 'ew who wants to go to Sears, Kmart, etc. etc.'  AOC's age group is the one who started the machine called Amazon and started the takeout trend which put more vehicles on the road, which added more pollution to the water.  They depend on cellphones and iPads which lead to more mining which ruins the land of perspective countries.  So, please spare me this 'we're not at fault for this mess at all,' b.s.

That paragraph will go to a blog for another time and trust me people I worked in retail for a long time.  This isn't empty accusations here but if you do want to believe AOC's sanctimony let me ask you this....

Has she gotten rid of her cellphone?

Does she promote shopping in her city?  There are a lot of empty stores in New York City, all parts.

Does she promote eating out?

Of course she doesn't.  She's a part of the 'nothing is my fault' trend and what bugs me is that if you call her on it- minions rise up to her defense.  People I have news for you, if you approached this woman on the street, she'd probably have you arrested. This woman is a lot of talk and can get away with a lot of it because of her gender and nationality.  Climate change is an issue that could've bought both sides together and the fact that you have this person promoting her expertise when she knows nothing is going to continue to make the climate change issue worse.

And before you question my word about retail and millenials- let me ask you this- what qualifications does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have to make you think she's such an expert?  Go ahead, tell me.  Oh that's right, a lot of you don't want to question her because you're afraid of being shut-out of your online club.
