AOC Goes To Farm Country

So, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is going to farm country to help Bernie Sanders campaign.


Okay, I got the hysterical laughter out of my system but here's my bigger question.  Bernie, what are you doing man?  Seriously, what are you doing?  Sure I'm overlapping my blog from the other day but Bernie, Bernie, Bernie-

Oh, wait, I forgot she's the 'climate change expert' and she has to host yet another climate conference.  Let me ask all of you a question, since this woman came upon the national stage how many climate conferences has there been?  A lot might be the safe answer.  There's either a conference, some protest, a so-called climate strike (whatever) which really does nothing but gives washed-up Hollywood actresses a chance to get in the news.  What?  You're looking at me funny?  Go ahead, tell me what these protests and meetings have done.  I'd love to know because all it seems to me is a publicity grab but I'm getting off-topic.  We're talking about my favorite politician (sarcasm)...

So, let's be blunt...

The fact that Bernie Sanders has her campaigning in Iowa is laughable.  This is the same person who wants to get rid of the Electoral College (another topic for another day).  This is the same person that told a kid in a speech 'not to eat dairy.'  This is the same person that said 'we're looking at factory farming?'  Oh really?  She, like many politicians throws something like that out there and that automatically deems her as some kind of expert on agriculture.  Here's something I would love to ask Bernie Sanders:

What could a 30-year-old privileged woman, who would do anything to get camera time, who lives in New York City, possibly have to offer in terms of helping farmers in Iowa?  Sending her out there is actually kind of a slap in the face to rural America.  Bernie is more or less thinking that people will fall for her lines because of her status, education and fear of being called names if they disagree with her.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has nothing to offer struggling farmers in Middle America and Bernie Sanders thinking that she does proves he's really turning into a stupid, old man.
