The Script is Written For the Next Debate

The next democratic debates are rolling around.  Oh goody-goody!  Jump up and down and do flips.  I'm just so excited.  I've said it 5,000 times- there is no real debate in this country.  There hasn't been for a long time and a lot of selfish people are making this situation a lot worse too.  So, before you get giddy about Bernie/Liz consider this-

Bernie's not going after Warren- not a chance.  He wore kid gloves with Hillary Clinton in 2016 and he doesn't have the guts to really go hard after Warren.  Bernie proved by turning his back on Ralph Nader that he wasn't really intent to be tough on the establishment- which is exactly what Warren is.  Besides that, you have the #MeToo factor to consider.  

As for the idea part of the whole thing- Bernie will be portrayed as 'repetitive- boring and called a copycat.'  Liz will be called 'dynamic, exciting and interesting.' Bernie will be called 'too old' and everyone will forget that Liz is literally an 'old lady.'

One has to wonder though if this next debate will have much substance or be centered around the doings of the squad.  It's easier to make questions about something that's been analyzed a thousand times and as a society, no one appears to want to go deep anymore.  In the end though, Bernie will be encouraged by our pals in the mainstream media to drop-out.

Note- I'd love to be wrong people but I doubt it.  The lesson is- don't expect much.  You're not going to get what you want.
