Dear Representative Omar, I'll take My White Democratic Late Dad Over You Anytime

Dear Representative Omar,

Your attitude sucks.

Oh yeah, yeah I know, I know.  I'm just sooooo mean.  I'm so racist.  Really?  Sure, there are plenty of fake quotes out there being attributed to you and it's not surprising because of the lousy state of journalism but your attitude stinks lady it really stinks.  Do you know why?  Well, let me explain...

Sure, people should fear white men like Donald Trump but to say people should fear white men more than terrorists?  COME OFF IT LADY.  What gives you the right to go on tv and make judgment on anyone?  Is this your idea of some kind of joke? Representative Omar, I'll tell you what- people should fear someone like you more than any white man for this reason.

You are a part of a group that likes to temper-tantrum your way through life.  You scream 'OUR WAY OR THE HIGHWAY' to anyone who questions you.  You hide behind the fact that your female- you hide behind color and you hide behind religion.  The really sad thing is- I actually thought that you had some good ideas but a no-name like yourself and sweetheart, that's exactly what you are, doesn't have the position or the power to label who or what is good in America and that isn't racism that's something called reality.  As for my late dad-

You couldn't hold a candle to him in terms of being a democrat, Representative Omar.  You couldn't carry his lunchbox when it came to being a progressive.  Yes ma'am, my dad the white man, who got along with everyone of any color and religion who would be HORRIFIED AT SOME OF THE B.S. coming out of your mouth and your little clique's mouth.  So, I'll take my white, late, democratic dad over you Representative Omar, anytime.

And thank you so much for your daily ramblings on what's so right and wrong with America.
