So, Alyssa Wants a Sex Strike

I feel sick just writing about this...

Then again I'm amused....

Alyssa Milano, due to the new Georgia abortion law, thinks, automatically all problems will be solved by going on a sex strike.


Okay, I've contained myself and I shouldn't really laugh but let's talk about how literally- STUPID THIS IS and I'll name off the reasons.

1. While it is indeed true there are a lot of men who think we'll end up in hell because of the procedure known as abortion, let me point out to you LADIES that there are a lot of LADIES out there who are just as bad- meaner and downright sickening with their holy righteousness and have as much input in these laws as men.

2. You might not like these southern laws about abortion but let me point out to a lot off you smart asses that so-called democratic 'rising stars' (Stacey Abrams for example) couldn't win their election against a scumbag like Kemp.

3. Let's also point out to you smart-asses screaming 'You go Alyssa,' that thanks to an irresponsible media, no oomph in the national democratic party, no encouragement for other voices that conservatives will continue to rule the roost in the south due to the fact that people are discourage from voting and even becoming politically active.  The recent presidential polls should prove this point- you're never going to get conservatives out of there and it'll probably get worse BECAUSE THEY HATE HOLLYWOOD TYPES.

4. Finally, all of you selfish ME! ME! ME! women joining in with this are ignoring the BIG PICTURE. Thanks to these laws you'll have an increase in child abuse and overall neglect of many kids. Kids will be abandoned and who knows what a lot of resentful mothers will do.  Due to the fact that these anti-abortion activists don't give a damn once they're out of the womb you might have a lot of kids go hungry.

To wrap this up, instead of taking the time for real activism Alyssa Milano should GROW-UP and quit thinking about how to get her name in the news. The more time spent on a stupid sex strike is more time wasted in combating child abuse and finding unwanted kids some homes. Grow-up Alyssa- and quit acting like a martyr. You're a washed-up Hollywood actress who couldn't carry Ralph Nader's briefcase.
