You Can't Keep Opening Your Mouth and Not Expect People to Get Ticked-Off

Long title but a great line.

Are you listening Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Nah- of course not but that's fine.  Let me try to keep this brief because this is going to be a continuous rant.

When you're a representative in the UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE- you need to do 2 things:

1. Treat all races of the population with respect.
2. Know and understand what history ACTUALLY MEANS AND DOES.

Listen, people, you can slap her on the back and go "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah you go girlfriend!" Or you can brim with pride with a; "She's so wonderful- look at how she tells the truth and I'm just so glad she's not afraid of anyone." You can do ALL OF THAT.  You can send her money, candy, flowers, I, frankly, don't give a damn.  Some of her ideas have genuine validity- however this is what a lot of you are throwing your arms around.

You're throwing your arms around a blatant racist who doesn't give a damn about white America.  Sure, you can throw it out there that whites will be the minority soon but guess what? IT DOESN'T MATTER.  Whites still live in America and, like I said, there is a concept of treating all races with respect, which is something this woman knows nothing abouut.  With that being said-

I don't believe in the idea that AOC is some kind of genius.  Do you know why?  No one with any smarts would actually be flapping her mouth the way that she is.  But hey keep cheering her, but remember this:

She's not doing Senator Sanders any favors.

If you don't believe that now- just wait...

Just remember if you get disgusted there's always @Rocky4President!
