Trophy Hunting

Hunting is a fact of life and there are good hunters.  My brother comes to mind- he hunts deer (with a gun and a bow and arrow).  He's not the type to do 'canned hunting' or to take a shot at something that is disappearing in the wild.  He's a good guy, a union democrat, might I add and OH DEAR GOD PEOPLE HE'S FROM THAT AREA ALL YOU PROGRESSIVES HATE-

Rural country.

What's my point?  There are good guys/women (my god I have to add the women-or the foot stamping will start) who live in rural/urban areas who go out and hunt like my brother.  I don't like it but that's their hobby 'their thing.' That's their choice.

Then you have people like this

Now, I'm no fan of Piers Morgan but the hits it out of the park here.  Never did I see/read a more disgusting, despicable act than what happened here.  This was the lowest of the low.  People, no matter how you look at it- canned hunting is wrong- it's wrong and this so-called hunter is not just cruel- he's psychopathic.  God, after watching this you are physically ill.  So- here's the deal-

I'm begging-BEGGING anyone out there who hunts (like my brother) speak out against this for crying out loud. PLEASE. This guy isn't a real hunter. HE ATTACKED A SLEEPING LION AND GLEEFULLY RECOROEDED WHAT HAPPENED.  For god's' sake people, if someone doesn't start taking some kind of stand against this- it's going to open the door for all kinds of revenge opportunities.  Some nut might decide to get even with the common man just because he hunts, etc.  Who knows?  It's extremely possible this creep opened the door for more cruelty to be shown online.  

So what do you do?

You hear on Twitter about politics and bravery which is a joke.  Facts show there really aren't that many brave politicians out there but so I want to beg- PLEAD- somebody in DC please wake-up-COMMENT ABOUT THIS.  Put something out there.  Every single damned day I hear about how brave progressives are yet no one wants to take a stand against this.  So, please- somebody- put your money where your tweets are- COMMENT, SHOW PEOPLE HOW WRONG THIS IS.

And I beg any regular hunter to push politicians to do the same....
